Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquiculture - 2022

2020 National Fisheries Solidarity Movement Annual Women's Fedaration

2020 NAFSO Annual Women's Fedaration was held today (13th) using Zoom technology. A large number of women representatives from 15 districts affiliated to NAFSO participated in this event along with their staff. This year's fedaration was aimed at two objectives:

1. Understanding the situation faced by women, due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

2. Develop of an Advocacy paper to draw the attention of the government and those responsible for the various socio-economic issues currently faced by women.

District Women's Representatives commented on the socio-economic problems they face due to the current corona pandemic and the inability of children to attend to school.

The programs adopted by the Women's Fedaration in 2019 and its progress were discussed and issues such as the anti-drug movement were discussed.

There was also a discussion on the issues that have arisen due to the various socio-economic issues facing women at present and the drafting of an advocacy paper to draw the attention of the government and those responsible to it and obtaining the approval of all district women's organizations.