Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquiculture - 2022

Consultation on agriculture workers and the right to food in Geneva

    Consultation on agriculture workers and the right to food in Geneva

Consultation on agriculture workers and the right to food was held in Geneva on 28th of February 2018. :       CSR, LST and NAFSO representing civil society organizations in Sri Lanka summated statements about land grabbing, fisheries, small scale farmers and plantation workers in relation to right to food.

Some decisions were taken and participants came to some agreements in the meeting. Participants decided to focus on the Agriculture Workers in the report of this year. Mrs. Hilal Elver, UN special rapporteur admitted the important of preparing 2 reports related to the developed countries and developing countries after considering the statements of the representatives who came from developing countries. 
The special rapporter usually had prepared only one report in relation to this component but she agreed to prepare 2 reports because of the intervention of the developing countries in the meeting. UN special rapporture thoroughly considered the burning issues such as land grabbing, urbanization due to various reasons, labour exploitation, and market issues related to the small scale produces in Sri Lanka. She will give a space for those issues in her reports. She agreed to submit first report in October 2018 and second report will be submitted in March 2019. Mr. Pradeep Wanigasuriya participated representing National Fisheries Solidarity Movement in the event.