Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquiculture - 2022

Tree Planting Campaign and Climate Justice direct actions and awareness campaign

Uwa Wellassa Women Organization is one of active member of Y-MESOC youth campaign on Disaster Risk Reduction, Garbage Management, Tree Planting Campaign and Climate Justice direct actions and awareness campaign in Monaragala district. 
The Youth Group of UWWO at Colony Number 03 had conducted garbage management dust bin creation and Shramadana campaign to cleaning the school ground at Saddatissa Primary College at Palwatta with the support of College administration and Children.
Youth leader of the group said, “We all are happy as we engage the campaign which focus our environment which is our future we protect.” Pemalatha, the field Coordinator of NAFSO together with UWWO activist
Youth leader of the group said, “We all are happy as we engage the campaign which focus our environment which is our future we protect.”
Pemalatha, the field Coordinator of NAFSO together with UWWO activists facilitated the process and planned for follow up actions with youth and College staff.